There once was a time when having a double-chin or any type of excess fat on your chin could only be removed through liposuction. While you may have tried diet or exercise to try to lessen or burn the fat that rests under your chin (submental fat), it can be very difficult to get rid of. The good news is the Bougainvillea Clinique now offers another non-surgical treatment for chin fat: Kybella. Call 407-678-3116 today to learn more or to schedule your Kybella consultation with our surgeon!
What Is Kybella?
Kybella is made from deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring substance that helps your body absorb fat cells that can rid you of unwanted fat that rests underneath your chin. When properly injected, it eventually destroys the cells’ membranes, causing them to die. As the fat cells underneath your chin die, your body absorbs and removes the excess fat, leaving your chin, neck and and jawline looking more tight and contoured. This provides a more youthful and attractive appearance, frequently making people feel more confident about themselves. Kybella may be administered several times, usually 3-4 times, though sometimes as many as 6 times if there is a large amount of fat. Each administration will be scheduled one or more months apart. Kybella is especially suited for men and women who would prefer a procedure that allows them to be more discreet than with surgical procedures, particularly in the workplace.
GalleryKybella Before & After Photos
Would Kybella work for me?
Double chins can form due to fat deposits weighing down the skin, or they can form from excess, sagging skin. If fat deposits are the cause of your double chin, Kybella is perfect for you.
However, if your double chin is more a factor of sagging, loose skin, you’d be better off with a facelift or neck lift surgery, where our surgeon could remove the excess skin and tighten the underlying support tissue.
Wondering if Kybella
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Why Choose Kybella?
Previously when a person wanted to be rid of excess chin fat, they may have opted for submental liposuction. Now there is non-surgical option to improve the contour of the neck and jaw. Benefits of Kybella include:
- FDA-cleared for use on submental fat
- Non-surgical procedure
- Minimally invasive
- Requires zero downtime
- Reduces fat underneath your chin
- No general anesthesia required
- Rare and minimal side effects, each of which often remedy themselves (bruising, pain, and redness at the injection site)
FAQFrequently Asked Questions
Are Kybella injections painful?
At Bougainvillea, our surgeon handles our Kybella injections. He uses a very thin needle to inject Kybella. Most patients don’t require any anesthetic, but if you desire, we can apply a topical anesthetic prior to your treatment session.
How many treatments will I need?
The FDA has set the maximum number of Kybella treatments at six. But how you respond to Kybella is unique to you. Dr. Sweeney has found that, on average, most patients are satisfied after three treatments. Other patients opt for all six. It really depends on how slim you want your profile.
The time between treatments is supposed to be four weeks, as this allows Kybella to fully do its thing before having the next set of injections. We believe five to six weeks apart is a better degree of spacing. This allows your results from the previous injection session to fully show themselves before deciding to go ahead with another round.
Are Kybella injections painful?
At Bougainvillea, Dr. Sweeney handles our Kybella injections. He uses a very thin needle to inject Kybella. Most patients don’t require any anesthetic, but if you desire, we can apply a topical anesthetic prior to your treatment session.
Are Kybella injections painful?
The potential side effects with Kybella are similar to those with dermal fillers. All side effects have proven very rare, however. They include nerve injury in the jaw that can create an uneven smile, trouble swallowing, and some weakness in the surrounding facial muscles.
In clinical studies with 1600 patients, these side effects were not long-term, but they did not resolve immediately.
Swelling is pretty standard, although not really a side effect. As Kybella attacks the fat cells, it creates swelling in the area, especially after the first Kybella treatment. There will also be some slight bruising. This will start to resolve itself after around three days for most patients.
These are the common side effects after treatment and resolve themselves:
- Numbness
- Swelling
- Redness
- Bruising
- Residual pain
- Areas of hardness in the treatment area
Why choose our office for your Kybella procedure
While Kybella is FDA-approved for use in submental fat, if it is injected in the wrong places, it could cause temporary nerve damage or difficulty swallowing. Dr. Sweeney is Board-Certified and one of the first to be trained and certified in Kybella, providing a safe and effective treatment.
Choose a plastic surgeon that can safely and effectively help you to be free from submental fat. Dr. Sweeney and his nurse practitioners will meet with you for a consultation about how Kybella can change your look and your life. To schedule your appointment, please fill out the form on this page or call us at 407-678-3116.
How quickly will I see results from my Kybella injections?
You will probably have some swelling after your Kybella injections. This is especially true after your first injection session. The more fat you have in the area, the more likely you are to have swelling. This is a sign that the deoxycholic acid is going after the fat. Your results will begin to really show from 4-6 weeks after your treatment. That gives the body time to break down and remove most of the fat cells. Those results will continue to improve as your skin tightens and slims your profile.
Since Kybella can be injected in up to six sessions (the maximum approved by the FDA), your results will build with each subsequent session.
What can I expect for results from Kybella?
Kybella provides quite impressive results. For most people it’s fat that is weighing down the skin under their chin, creating their double chin. When Kybella attacks and breaks down that fat, your profile can return to the slimmer, more contoured look you had decades ago. The premise of Kybella is simple, and the results are striking.
How long will my results last with Kybella?
The fat cells destroyed by the deoxycholic acid in Kybella are gone for good. These are permanent changes in the sagging under your chin. If fat was the main culprit weighing down the skin, Kybella will slim and tighten your profile for the rest of your life. Of course, you will have some loosening of your skin as you continue to age — this is natural and unavoidable — but it will never be to the degree that made you consider Kybella injections in the first place.
Can I combine Kybella injections with other procedures?
Kybella wouldn’t make sense in combination with our surgical procedures, but it is a great complement to most of our Med Spa treatments at Bougainvillea. You could combine it with CoolSculpting to remove unwanted fat on your abdomen or CoolTone to contour and firm your abdomen with magnetic muscle stimulation. We could add Kybella to Cellfina cellulite treatments. We could put our lasers to work removing your spider veins or treat your body to a massage while Kybella is working on your profile.
If you’re interested in combining another treatment with Kybella, let’s discuss it during your consultation.
Is there recovery after having Kybella injections?
As mentioned above, you will likely have some swelling after your session at our Winter Park offices, and the injection sites will be tender, just as after any injection. While Kybella injections won’t preclude you from getting back to your normal routine after your session with Dr. Sweeney, the swelling may keep you home. Subsequent sessions create less and less swelling, so this may only affect you after your first session. Plus, each patient can have slightly different experiences with swelling.
Bottom line? After your Kybella session you won’t need to lay low for any physical reasons, but you may want to let your swelling subside for a few days.
When Will I See Results From CoolSculpting®?
CoolSculpting® works by triggering natural fat cell death and elimination. It can take several weeks to realize the final outcome of your program. However, you might begin to visualize slimming and contouring effects after just two or three weeks. Although not a requirement of treatment, an active lifestyle and healthy eating habits can help accelerate and optimize your results.
Contact Us For Kybella
Treatment In Winter Park!
If you’re interested in learning more about stretch mark treatment please contact us for a consultation at 407-678-3116 or fill out our contact us form. We will discuss your needs and concerns, and determine your best course of action.