Face ProceduresDiscover the secret to radiant natural beauty:
Rejuvenate, revitalize, and restore your
unique glow with our solutions

Enhancing your natural beauty is all about showcasing your best features and feeling confident in your own skin. And what better place to start than with your face, the first thing people see when they meet you.

With the latest advancements in cosmetic enhancement, you can now improve the areas you want to enhance, whether it’s your eyes, your smile, or any other feature that makes you unique. From subtle changes to dramatic transformations, these cutting-edge procedures can help you achieve a youthful, radiant appearance that will have you feeling like the best version of yourself. So why wait? Take the first step to unlocking your true beauty today.

Facelift surgery is a transformative procedure that can help you achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance. Whether you’re looking to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines or restore a more defined facial contour, a facelift can be tailored to your unique needs and goals.

By precisely trimming and tightening skin and underlying tissue, our expert surgeons can create a natural-looking result that will leave you feeling confident and revitalized. So if you’re ready to take the first step towards a more youthful you, consider a facelift today!

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Say goodbye to sagging skin and hello to a youthful, defined jawline with a Neck Lift. This highly effective surgical procedure removes excess skin and tightens the underlying muscles for a smooth, rejuvenated appearance. Not only will you look younger, but you’ll also feel more confident and proud of your new look.

Perfect for those dealing with age-related changes or post-weight loss skin issues. Take the first step towards a renewed you with a Neck Lift.

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As we age, our eye muscles naturally start to relax and the skin around our eyes can begin to droop and sag. This can give us a tired and aged appearance, making us look older than we feel. But there’s a solution.

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, can help restore a youthful look to our eyes by lifting and opening them, resulting in a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance.

Not only that, but it can also improve our vision by removing any excess skin that might be blocking our view. Say goodbye to droopy, saggy eyelids and hello to bright, youthful eyes!

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Are you unhappy with the shape or size of your nose? A rhinoplasty, also known as a “nose job”, may be the solution for you.

This reconstructive cosmetic procedure can improve the appearance, balance, and functionality of your nose, restoring proportion and enhancing your overall aesthetic.

Say goodbye to feeling self-conscious about your nose and hello to a beautiful, confident new you.

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A forehead lift, also known as a Brow Lift, can improve the sagging or low position of the eyebrows, creating a tired or sad appearance, deep horizontal creases across the forehead frown lines, or furrows, between the eyebrows and sometimes across the top of the nose.

Many of our patients have forehead lifts performed to treat conditions associated with aging. A forehead lift is also appropriate for the treatment of certain inherited traits. Younger adults who have a low brow or who already have deep frown lines due to stress or overactivity of muscles may benefit from the procedure.

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Brow Lift
Chin Augmentation

The chin plays an important role in the overall shape and harmony of the face. Some individuals are born with small chins; some have improper alignment of the jaw causing what appears to be a small chin, while still others have a chin that recedes with time along with the natural aging process. Since a weak chin can exaggerate a double chin or long nose, in many instances, Our surgeon suggests chin augmentation, in combination with rhinoplasty or a facelift to create better balance between the nose and chin, or to create a more defined chin-jaw line.

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Nanofat Skin Rejuvenation Therapy is the latest advancement in the use of your own fat to restore a more youthful appearance. Our surgeons who routinely perform fat transfer procedures, have observed for years how fat placed under the skin can improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improve the texture and color of the skin, and even help scars improve or disappear. Now using the Nanofat procedure the fat can be placed as a very thin liquid layer directly under the skin for an even better rejuvenation effect.

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Nanofat Skin Rejuvenation Therapy is the latest advancement in the use of your own fat to restore a more youthful appearance. Dr. Sweeney and other plastic surgeons who routinely perform fat transfer procedures, have observed for years how fat placed under the skin can improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improve the texture and color of the skin, and even help scars improve or disappear. Nanofat Skin Rejuvenation Therapy
Submental Liposuction

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your double chin? Say hello to a slimmer and more defined jawline with submental liposuction.

This innovative procedure uses advanced techniques to effectively remove excess fat and sculpt the chin and jawline, leaving you with a more youthful and attractive appearance.

Don’t let a double chin hold you back any longer, take the first step towards a more confident you with submental liposuction.

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A young face is round and full. As we age, we the structural fat in our face decreases resulting in skin laxity.

To restore some of the structural fat of youth, the technique of Lipostructure™ can be used. Lipostructure involves gently harvesting your own fat in a similar fashion to traditional liposuction. The fat is then be reinjected where needed through small specially designed needles, into the lips, nasolabial folds, chin, and around the eye and temple areas. Contour deformities in other areas of the body can also be improved with this technique.

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Experience the ultimate facial rejuvenation with our revolutionary FaceTite treatment! Say goodbye to sagging skin, fine lines, and wrinkles, and hello to a more youthful, lifted appearance. Using advanced radiofrequency technology, our skilled team expertly tightens and contours your face, restoring natural collagen production and promoting a more youthful glow. With minimal downtime and long-lasting results, FaceTite is the non-surgical solution for achieving a refreshed, revitalized look.

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Experience the power of AccuTite, a non-surgical, radio frequency treatment that tightens skin and melts away excess fat! Using advanced heating technology, AccuTite stimulates collagen production, naturally firming and rejuvenating your skin.

Simultaneously, it targets and destroys subcutaneous fat cells, resulting in a more contoured body and youthful-looking skin. Say goodbye to lengthy recovery periods and painful side effects of surgery, as AccuTite offers a convenient and effective alternative. With no anesthesia or hospital stay required, you can achieve tighter, firmer skin right in our office.

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